Welcome to Duranta!

We are so excited for you to try out Duranta. Follow the below instructions to get started:

1) Install TestFlight

2) Install Duranta

Now that TestFlight is installed, let's install Duranta itself. Click this link to install the Duranta app from within TestFlight.

3) Accept the invitation to join Duranta

Last but not least, let's setup your user account. If not done yet, accepting this invitation will allow you to set a password for your username on Duranta. It will be sent from invitations@getduranta.com to your work email and contains the subject: "Invitation to join Duranta".
Please check your spam box in addition to your inbox.

4) Sign into Duranta

Open the now installed Duranta app on your device and then sign in with the email & password you just set in step #3.

Done! You should be ready to go.